About us


The mission of Ukmergė city social service center is to restore the ability of individuals to take care of themselves, to increase the opportunities for socially vulnerable persons (families) to integrate into society independently, to reduce their social exclusion.
 The aim of Ukmergė city social service center is to create safe living conditions for a person (family) that do not degrade human dignity, to provide social services that meet individual needs, ensure the preservation of independence, and develop social skills that promote integration into society.

 Ukmergė city social service centre provides the following social services:

  • Information;
  • Counseling;
  • Mediation and representation;
  • Catering organization;
  • Provision of necessary clothing and footwear;
  • Organising transportation service;
  • Socio-cultural services;
  • Organising personal hygiene services;
  • Temporary lodging;
  • Home assistance;
  • Social skills development and support;
  • Accommodation in Lodging House;
  • Day social care;
  • Children‘s day social care;
  • Personal assistance.

 Divisions of the Center:

  • administration department;
  • community support department;
  • family welfare department;
  • social care department.

Ukmergė city social service centre’s working hours:

Monday       8.00 AM – 5.00 PM

Tuesday       8.00 AM – 5.00 PM

Wednesday  8.00 AM – 5.00 PM

Thursday     8.00 AM – 5.00 PM

Friday          8.00 AM – 3.45 PM

Lunch break: 12.00 PM – 12.45 PM. Day before national festivals the Centre works an hour shorter.

Requisite information:

Municipal budgetary institution

Ukmergė city social services centre
Data stored  saved at register of legal entities
Legal entity code: 300123034
Deltuvos str. 19, Ukmergė
Telephone (8 340) 63561
Email: info@ukmergesspc.lt